+91 80 2212 0317 Rotary House of Friendship 20, Lavelle road, Bengaluru


Tarunya – ICGF YS

Tarunya – ICGF Youth Services was held at Chikkaballapur BGS Campus. We are proud to say that Rtr. Krishnarjun of RCB  Seshadripuram in his debut performance won the 2nd place in the Yuva Badminton Tournament for Rota. The ICGF started with the sports events in the morning (Cricket and Badminton) followed by the main proceedings
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Donation of Flooring Tiles to Tribal school VGKK in B. R. Hills During the Youth Services Committee’s recent visit to VGKK school in BR Hills, it was noticed that there was an urgent requirement for building materials for the construction of new classrooms and an auditorium.Fortunately, President Vincent remembered that a stock of tiles was
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UNLABEL mesmerizes Rotarians with music & dance

UNLABEL was a music & dance event with a difference, featuring talented youngsters with Autism & special needs. Presented by Mitra for Life & the Rotary Club of Bangalore, Youth Services Committee. The event was on zoom meet, streamed to FB live and YouTube live on 17th Oct, Saturday at 6 pm. The aim of
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Train the trainer – WINS 7th November 2019

WINS Program After the successful launch, Rotary District 3190 conducted a “Train the Trainer” program for WINS on November 7th at Rotary Cantonment premises. This  program is being conducted zone-wise in two parts.  (1) Hand Washing Awareness  (2) Menstrual Health Management.  Rtn Nilesh Kapse, Rtn Dr Gertrude and Rotractor Joseph participated in this Train the
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Ramnarayan Chellaram RotoQuiz turns 60 16th September 2019

     Roto Quiz is one of the most popular Annual programs of our club that has been generously supported by the family of Rtn. Ramnarayan Chellaram for 6 decades. The long awaited Roto Quiz happened on the 16th of September  @ RHF. Hall was filled with Rotarians, Rotaractors, Ramnarayan Chellaram’s family, Spouses, students and friends.
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RotoQuiz at Mangalore 8th September 2019

Four years back  RCB collaborated with the Rotary Club of Mangalore to extend the popular Rotoquiz to the port city.Since then the event has grown from strength to strength.This year Rotoquiz Mangalore held on Sunday, September 8 had record entries, thanks to the sterling efforts of the Rotarians and Rotaractors of RCM. Rotary Club of
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ROTOQUIZ Ramnarayan Chellaram Shield 16th September 2019

ROTACON – ICGF Youth Services 15th September 2019

RotoQuiz Bengaluru Preliminaries 15th September 2019

History Created! 104 Participants Vie in World’s Longest Running Rotary ‘Rotoquiz 2019’


Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.

A guiding philosophy of The Vocational Sevice Team at RCB.The Rotarians at RCB realise that there are millions in the country who are unable to earn a living wage.due to illetracy,insufficient education and lack of  skills and is determined to break this demeaning cycle of poverty which leads to grievous health issues, crime, substance abuse,and other anti social  activities. Though the task may seem insurmontable,RCB's Vocational Service Committee relentlessly pursues its mission to educate and impart skills  training at the lowest levels.

A permanent VocationalTraining Centre has been built in the premises of Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya in 2013 with facilities for training in computers, garment design and tailoring, facility management , retail and health. Regular programs are conducted here for adult literacy,written and spoken English,geriatrics, nursing,career & empolymemt counsellingResponding immediately in 2014 to the  Prime Minister' s call to Make in India, RCB signed an MOU with National Skill Developement Corporation , New Delhi, ,to synchronise its own efforts with   Indian industry's most required skills. The Vocational Service Committee has  also instituted  awards  to  recognise and symbolically raise the self esteem of  people who serve society at the grassroot levels. One such award is the annual Pride of Workmanship Award which has been awarded to   committed and dedicated workers like Manhole Cleaners,Police Constables and Artisans among others.The NGO Award and the Corporate  Citizen Award on the other hand are awards that recognize and give an impetus to NGO's and Corporates in Bangalore who like Rotary provide selfless service to the needy.


Home Baking

A day’s Home baking work shop was conducted by Rotary Club of Bangalore along with Rotary Kengeri Upanagara. It was a great success with good response. 35 housewives from in and around the area and some of our RBV teachers also attended the program. Three chefs from the baking department of a 5 star hotel
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Bringing Digital Age to tribal pupils of BR Hills

On 7 January, RCB distributed 48 Lenovo Tabs with SIM cards to the tenth standard students of a school run by GVKK for the tribes at BR Hills. RCB has been associated with this institution, founded by Dr. H. Sudarshan, for the past 15 years, supporting them with medical facilities, an ambulance and improvements to
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On October 31, RCB’s Voca_onal Service Commi_ee organized a session on “Financial Literacy – Good Money Habits” for college students. Final Year B.Ed students and Principals from five colleges – RV college, Vijaya College, Rajajinagar College, Al-amin College and MES College – par_cipated in the program. Rtn. Jigisha Rajguru kicked off the discussion and also
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Hearty Congratulations to IPP Rtn Elizabeth Cherian and Team of 2019- 20 for the Rotary Citation award. It is the most significant award a Rotary club can achive. The Finals of the RCB Yadalam Nanjaiah Setty debate was conducted successfully on 28th of September 2020. It was a landmark event by itself – a feast
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Working towards making India 100% literate

Working towards making India 100% literate   Rotary District 3190 Literacy  Committee conducted a Level 11 Training and District Literacy Seminar  on Sunday 10th November at Rotary House of Friendship.The District Governor Sameer Hariani,PDG Manjunath Shetty, IPDG Suresh Hari, DGE Nagendra Prasad, DGN Fazal Mahmood, PDG Madhura Chatrapathy, PP Rajendra Rai and PP Ramesh V. R.
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Career Guidance RBV 25th August 2019

Team Vocational Service RCB, staff and  students of RBV thank Rtn Ganesh Balakrishnan, Chairman,District Career Guidance who  conducted the first session of Career Guidance and Counselling with a Power Point presentation  for the students of  the tenth standard in Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya . This is a part of  the 25 series Career Guidance programme, which
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Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya Vocational Training Centre

Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya – Vocational Training Centre Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya (RBV) — Vocational Training Centre was inaugurated by the  District Governor Sameer Hariani on July 4. The courses offered to the students are tailoring, cookery, and electrical repair. It is hoped that these courses would not only equip the students to earn their  livelihood  but
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Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya – Vocational Training Centre Inauguration

Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya (RBV) — Vocational Training Centre was inaugurated by the  District Governor Sameer Hariani on July 4. The courses offered to the students are tailoring, cookery, and electrical repair. It is hoped that these courses would not only equip the students to earn their  livelihood  but also to develop their skills and personality.
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What We Do...

I have been hearing a lot of buzz about the Rotary Four Way Test lately. I have been reading a lot about it and listening to speakers talking about it as well. One question really popped up in my mind – Is this simple Rotary Four Way Test really relevant today?

I have been hearing a lot of buzz about the Rotary Four Way Test lately. I have been reading a lot about it and listening to speakers talking about it as well. One question really popped up in my mind – Is this simple Rotary Four Way Test really relevant today?

Well, to find an answer, I spoke to our President Rtn.Ramkumarr Seshu – who passionately practices and advocates the Rotary Four Way Test day-in and day-out.

Before I spoke to him, I did some homework about this test. It was penned by Herbert J Taylor, an American businessman who had huge problems running his aluminum product distribution business during the early 1930s. One day, he sat down, introspected and penned this simple test and put each and every aspect of running his business under this test and took decisions that adhered to this test. The result was – a miraculous turnaround of his business!

Later, in 1940, during his tenure as Rotary International Director, this test was adopted by Rotary International as one of the guiding principles of all Rotarians worldwide.

Looking at this simple test of 1930s, I became a little curious as to how its adherence can make businesses profitable in today’s era. So, Ram and I discussed point by point about this test and its relevance in today’s era. Here is a gist of what Ram had to say.


SAMHITA: ICGF-Club Service

Rotary District 3190 organised its first ICGF – Club Service of 2021, “SAMHITA” on January 2, at Bangalore Palace Ground. The event was managed by Rotary Club Peenya and Rotary Bangalore Central. 850-900 people participated from various clubs. District Gov. Rtn B.L. Nagendra Prasad gave the opening speech, welcoming all the speakers and fellow Rotarians.
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Gift A Tab: Bringing the Digital Age to RBV Students

On December 29, in a crisp and well-conducted event, RCB distributed Tabs with Pre-loaded subjects to 45 Students of Classes 9 and 10 of Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya. The Chief Guest of the event was Shri Anbukkumar, IAS, Commissioner for Public Instruction, GOK. The Guests of Honour were: Shri. Prakash, Block Education Officer Bangalore South, Shri.
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Speaker Event – Being Heart Healthy Dr. Ranjan Shetty

 On Monday,September 9 the Chief Guest,Dr Ranjan Shetty addressed the members on ‘Being Heart Healthy’. He is HOD & Consultant – Department of Cardiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Hospitals, Bangalore. He is an expert in Coronary, Congenital Structural & Peripheral intervention and has performed more than 3000 angioplasties – very complex coronary and non-coronary interventions,
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Run for Rotary Koti-Nati & Green Energy 8th September 2019

Pride Run was held on Sunday 8th September 2019 at Bangalore, sponsored    by  four Rotary Clubs and Rotary District 3190. It was a run  in aid of  Rotary Koti – Nati and Green Energy.. Rotarians Ronald D’souza , MC Dinesh,  Amit Bahirat ,  Rotaractor Krishna Arjun, and Rtn Ronald’s son  Rahul participated in the pride
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Speaker Event – Knowledge Transfers from Ancient India

The Guest Speaker on Monday, 26th August, Dr. Raj Vedam provided an overview of how Indian history is distorted due to several malefic forces such as colonial Indologists who imposed a young chronology on India; Eurocentric scholars who sought a homeland for the “Aryans” in Central Asia, leading to the nefarious “Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory”; liberal
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Panel Discussion Water Security – Conservation and Rejuvenation

On Aug 19th we had a panel discussion on this very important topic by three experts moderated ably by our PP Rtn. K. Vijayakumar, a pioneer in hydroponics and organic farming. Scientist A R Shivakumar  highlighted that Bangalore has the luxury of plenty of rain and so the problem is not shortage but proper water
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73rd Independance Day Celebrations at RCB

INDEPENDENCE AND INTERDEPENDENCE HARMONIZE TO BLEND UNITY IN DIVERSITY. IN SPITE OF DIVERSE GEOGRAPHIES, RELIGIONS AND CULTURES, WE STAY UNITED. On the 73rd Independence Day, as we pay homage to the Freedom Fighters and pledge to walk on the path envisioned by the Visionary Nationalists, let us reiterate that all virtues begin at home. With
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Speaker Narendar Pani – An economist weighs the options

Who would have realized that an analogy about potato chips could reflect the factors affecting the economy of the country? Yes, such examples were precisely what Dr. Narender Pani, a renowned economist and journalist used to explain India’s economic situation in his talk on “5.5 trillion economy in 3 years…is India ready?” at RHF on
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Improv Show – The Adamant Eves

A weekly Monday rendezvous of the members of the Rotary Club of Bangalore was embellished with 40 minutes of high energy Improv entertainment. Improv short for Improvisation is a theatrical art form where everything is improvised or made up moment by moment. The audience played a participatory role by giving suggestions to the performers that
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Geeta Ramanujam – Revival of the Art of Storytelling

Storytelling has been the most erudite form of communication from the time when reading and writing were not prevalent and a system of academia was unknown…bards who sang of the prowess of Kings by relating the stories to the common man to the stylish operas and closer to home the yakshagana and other dance forms
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The pulse of Rotary Club of Bangalore is the Service it has provided to the less fortunate in society for over 8 decades.

“ I expect to pass through this life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show ,or any good thing I can do to any fellow human being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it,as I will not pass this way again.”

William Penn

The pulse of Rotary Club of Bangalore is the  Service it has provided  to the less fortunate  in society for over 8 decades.

2 areas of people’s lives where RCB strives to make the most  difference are Health and Education.
The Rotary TT Blood Bank , The Rotary Mutthappa Attavar Memorial Hospital, the Rotary Bangalore ICICI Prudential Dialysis Centre,   Stem-Cell Registry are a few of   the many major health initiatives of Rotary Club of Bangalore.

It goes without saying that the Club is a  front runner in Rotary’s fight to eradicate Polio. Now that it has been eradicated from India , RCB continues the  vigilance and efforts regardless, to maintain this status.

An array of  ongoing health initiatives include Blood Donation Camps, Paedriatric Heart Surgeries,  the limb –a-day programme and many more. Use Pictures and text from the RCB brochure).

Rotary Club of Bangalore    considers education for underprivileged boys and girls its  moral duty  to fulfill. Towards this it owns and manages its own High school,  Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya which educates  around 500 boys and girls. Situated in Nagadevanahalli , Bangalore ,the spacious and fully equipped  school  with its experienced staff is a symbol of good  education.

Around 200 scholarships are also offered to poor students by the Menda  and Hyagriv Education funds.

Besides its own school RCB has built  20  Primary schools in Bangalore and 20 in the rural area of Malur , close to Bangalore.

The Light-for-education project donates solar lamps to rural school going children. The project is also providing solar lighting to Government Girls Hostels in Karnataka.  A very successful project,it has seen the attendance and academic results of students  improve dramatically.

Taking the Matching Grant and Global Grant  route of  Rotary International’s force multipliers,  the club has increased its financial ability many fold  to  undertake bigger projects like constructing Toilet Blocks, donating ambulances and providing school infra structure..

Besides Health and Education, Rotary Club of Bangalore has expanded its scope of Community Service to now cover Rotary International’s 6 Areas of Focus.


The pandemic, COVID 19 has been nothing short of a disaster in our country. With the imposition of yet another lockdown, the underprivileged and the migrant community of Bangalore were yet again left to face uncertain times. Of the many problems faced by the marginalized community, food has been a primary point of concern. Rotary
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RCB has been involved in the restoration of a lake in Challahalli near Rajakunte, and is now planning to take up a meaningful project for restoration of another lake. In this context we thought it would be very interesting to listen to the experiences and success stories of other Rotary Clubs of Bangalore in this
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EGG BANK: Helping Children Remain Healthy

An apple a day…. has been replaced by an “Egg a day keeps the doctor away ” in this present pandemic situation. Egg has been proved to be a complete food with all required vitamins and proteins for all the ages. Inner Wheel Club of Bangalore and Rotary Club of Bangalore are the first clubs
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“Krushi Connect” A Pro-Farmer initiative of Rotary

KrushiConnect is an initiative undertaken by the Rotary Clubs of RI Dist. 3190 to provide marketing support and visibility for rural farmers in better selling of their produce to the urban consumers through Rotarians as a medium. This also is an effort to reverse the migration by helping and improve the economic opportunities for small
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Upgraded Primary Health Center

Health, Education & Environment have been the focus area of Team 2021. With Covid 19 raging unbridled & Governmental Primary Health Centres being the common man’s first option, we realised it is crucial that they are equipped adequately. Thus when PP Ranga Rao broached this subject with Mr. Sushanth, Stopak CFO, they readily agreed and
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LSN Trust and Rotary Bangalore: Distributing Masks

LSN Trust and Rotary Bangalore masks handed over to Mr Bhaskar Rao, ADG of Police Internal Security. We thank him for his support. As suggested by the Prime Minister of India, Mr Bhaskar Rao is also of the opinion that with safety measures on our part we will escalate the decline of Covid 19. Thanks
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Wear The Mask

We are happy to launch our project on – Wear a mask – which is the need of the hour.Rotary Club of Bangalore and LSN Trust, are jointly distributing masks to needy communities and educating them on the correct use of the mask( cover nose and mouth).While Rotary Bangalore and LSN Trust are assisting society,
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Kala for Vidya 7th and 8th March

The flagship Art exhibition will be held on 7th and 8th March 2020.

Rotary Bangalore ICICI Prudential Dialysis Centre

Rotary Bangalore ICICI Prudential Dialysis Centre:Providing succour to Diabetics   Rotary Bangalore ICICI Prudential Dialysis Centre initiative was set up on 27 June 2011 with the inauguration of five dialysis machines initially at RRMCAH. The centre  was inaugurated by PRID Pandurang Setty and PDG M.N Suresh along with a host of dignitaries from RRMCAH and RCB.
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Rayasandra Roadsign School Update 30th October 2019

Rayasandra school roof casting on wednesday , Thanks to the constant follow up by Manjunath and Sridhar Chari

RCBians join the Club’s Avenue of International Service and experience an exciting and exceptional year. Here members strive to create and enhance International understanding, goodwill and peace by connecting with Rotarians and other service minded people across the world. The avenue takes up several initiatives during a Rotary year.

It organizes and executes Rotary Global Grant projects – Rotary International’s unique system  which empowers the club to undertake mega  projects that touch the lives of large numbers of underprivileged people. Through the Global Grant system RCB  multiplies its funds many fold  through contributions  from overseas clubs  and matching by Rotary international.
It conducts innovative  events and fund raising drives for the  benefit of RCB and Rotary Foundation - ‘ The Night of the Consuls’ an evening when ambassadors and consuls of countries meet at RCB to debate international humanity issues , Kala for Vidya’( Art for Education)the popular  art exhibition and sale and ‘Dinner for a Cause’  the celebrity fund raiser dinner are  some of the events that Bangaloreans look forward to each year,.

  • Sister Club Relationship – The committee reaches out to clubs in various countries  and establishes sister club relationships with them, essentially formalizing a  special relationship and bond to work closely together to further International understanding and peace through meaningful projects.
  • Friendship Exchange - A Friendship visit is one of the most exciting annual features of the  club handled by this committee. On invitation from overseas clubs a group of RCBians goes visiting them atleast once every year.  Visits have been made to countries like the USA, New Zealand, Australia,Malaysia and Sri Lanka to name a few.The home hospitality extended by the members of  host clubs is truly memorable and evidence that nations can work together for the good of all.
  • Disaster Relief - When calamities like the Tsunami and Nepal earthquake strike RCBians  are first to mobilize  and move manpower, money and materials for immediate assistance to the disaster areas.
  • Rotary Foundation - The International Service Committee recognizes outstanding members and donors of the club with the Paul Harris Fellow, Major Donor and Arch Klumph Society Awards. Because of its efforts Rotary Club of Bangalore is a proud 100% Paul Harris Fellow club.


Kala for Vidya 7th and 8th March

The flagship Art exhibition will be held on 7th and 8th March 2020.

Mamma Mia 19th August 2019

On August 19 the International Services Committee, in continuation of the Mamma Mia project,  distributed 85  kits to  pregnant mothers at the  BBMP Urban Primary Health Centre ,  Shantinagar.Each kit comprises  1 baby blanket, 6 diapers, 6 vests, 2 plastic sheets, 1 baby bath towel, 1 nightie for the mother, 1 blanket for the mother,
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Toccata plays for Rotary

Toccata Plays for Rotary. Toccata Musical Kreations, a musical group from the UK, performed for an enthralled audience of children, Rotarians and friends, at the Chowdiah Memorial hall on 16th August. Organised by the Rotary Club of Bangalore, this is a fund-raiser for the Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya, a school for underprivileged children .During the evening
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Bridging the Gap

The program  BRIDGING THE GAP was conducted on Thursday 25th July at the Rotary Club of Bangalore – an initiative of the International Services Committee of Rotary Club of Bangalore. The purpose of this program was to start the year with suggestions from the senior Rotarians on how Rotary activities can be improved and how
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Mamma Mia

Mamma Mia! A project started by PP Rtn Zarir Bhata has taken momentum this Rotary year and this will be conducted by the International Service Committee under the Directorship of Rtn. Nalini Nanjundayya.  The Inner Wheel Clubs of the Dist 319 have also  expressed  an interest in partnering for this cause. Project Mamma Mia provides
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Counsels Night- Counsel Generals of Israel and France (2 Photos)