+91 80 2212 0317 Rotary House of Friendship 20, Lavelle road, Bengaluru

Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya – Vocational Training Centre Inauguration

Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya (RBV) — Vocational Training Centre was inaugurated by the  District Governor Sameer Hariani on July 4. The courses offered to the students are tailoring, cookery, and electrical repair. It is hoped that these courses would not only equip the students to earn their  livelihood  but also to develop their skills and personality.

At present 21 trainees  in two groups are undergoing  a 4-month course in tailoring. To get a Course Completion Certificate, the students need to have a minimum of 80% attendance and pass the monthly tests.This tailoring unit is expected to  become a full-fledged training and production unit in the near future.

  The Cookery classes  at the  Vocational Centre have commenced.  Rtn P.K. Mohankumar, General Manager, Taj Hotels, will be the chief advisor for this course. 

   A  course on Tally accounting will be started  shortly. As part of personality development program,  around 91 RBV students  and some of the staff will be going on a day trip to Shravan Belagola, Gorur Dam, Orchid Farm, Halebeedu and Belur on July 27. This  program is sure to be a great learning experience for the RBV children.

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