+91 80 2212 0317 Rotary House of Friendship 20, Lavelle road, Bengaluru

Vocational Services


Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.

A guiding philosophy of The Vocational Sevice Team at RCB.The Rotarians at RCB realise that there are millions in the country who are unable to earn a living wage.due to illetracy,insufficient education and lack of  skills and is determined to break this demeaning cycle of poverty which leads to grievous health issues, crime, substance abuse,and other anti social  activities. Though the task may seem insurmontable,RCB’s Vocational Service Committee relentlessly pursues its mission to educate and impart skills  training at the lowest levels.

A permanent VocationalTraining Centre has been built in the premises of Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya in 2013 with facilities for training in computers, garment design and tailoring, facility management , retail and health. Regular programs are conducted here for adult literacy,written and spoken English,geriatrics, nursing,career & empolymemt counsellingResponding immediately in 2014 to the  Prime Minister’ s call to Make in India, RCB signed an MOU with National Skill Developement Corporation , New Delhi, ,to synchronise its own efforts with   Indian industry’s most required skills. The Vocational Service Committee has  also instituted  awards  to  recognise and symbolically raise the self esteem of  people who serve society at the grassroot levels. One such award is the annual Pride of Workmanship Award which has been awarded to   committed and dedicated workers like Manhole Cleaners,Police Constables and Artisans among others.The NGO Award and the Corporate  Citizen Award on the other hand are awards that recognize and give an impetus to NGO’s and Corporates in Bangalore who like Rotary provide selfless service to the needy.

Home Baking

A day’s Home baking work shop was conducted by Rotary Club of Bangalore along with Rotary Kengeri Upanagara. It was a great success with good response. 35 housewives from in and around the area and some of our RBV teachers also attended the program. Three chefs from the baking department of a 5 star hotel
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Bringing Digital Age to tribal pupils of BR Hills

On 7 January, RCB distributed 48 Lenovo Tabs with SIM cards to the tenth standard students of a school run by GVKK for the tribes at BR Hills. RCB has been associated with this institution, founded by Dr. H. Sudarshan, for the past 15 years, supporting them with medical facilities, an ambulance and improvements to
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On October 31, RCB’s Voca_onal Service Commi_ee organized a session on “Financial Literacy – Good Money Habits” for college students. Final Year B.Ed students and Principals from five colleges – RV college, Vijaya College, Rajajinagar College, Al-amin College and MES College – par_cipated in the program. Rtn. Jigisha Rajguru kicked off the discussion and also
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Hearty Congratulations to IPP Rtn Elizabeth Cherian and Team of 2019- 20 for the Rotary Citation award. It is the most significant award a Rotary club can achive. The Finals of the RCB Yadalam Nanjaiah Setty debate was conducted successfully on 28th of September 2020. It was a landmark event by itself – a feast
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Working towards making India 100% literate

Working towards making India 100% literate   Rotary District 3190 Literacy  Committee conducted a Level 11 Training and District Literacy Seminar  on Sunday 10th November at Rotary House of Friendship.The District Governor Sameer Hariani,PDG Manjunath Shetty, IPDG Suresh Hari, DGE Nagendra Prasad, DGN Fazal Mahmood, PDG Madhura Chatrapathy, PP Rajendra Rai and PP Ramesh V. R.
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Career Guidance RBV 25th August 2019

Team Vocational Service RCB, staff and  students of RBV thank Rtn Ganesh Balakrishnan, Chairman,District Career Guidance who  conducted the first session of Career Guidance and Counselling with a Power Point presentation  for the students of  the tenth standard in Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya . This is a part of  the 25 series Career Guidance programme, which
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Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya Vocational Training Centre

Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya – Vocational Training Centre Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya (RBV) — Vocational Training Centre was inaugurated by the  District Governor Sameer Hariani on July 4. The courses offered to the students are tailoring, cookery, and electrical repair. It is hoped that these courses would not only equip the students to earn their  livelihood  but
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Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya – Vocational Training Centre Inauguration

Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya (RBV) — Vocational Training Centre was inaugurated by the  District Governor Sameer Hariani on July 4. The courses offered to the students are tailoring, cookery, and electrical repair. It is hoped that these courses would not only equip the students to earn their  livelihood  but also to develop their skills and personality.
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