+91 80 2212 0317 Rotary House of Friendship 20, Lavelle road, Bengaluru


What struck everyone who walked into the hall was the beautiful decoration…classy and elegant. Vibrant pink, gold and white flowers and decor and gold stars hanging from the ceiling were seen everywhere making Rotary House of Friendship look ethereal, radiant and glittering. Our own member Kalpana had worked her magic!

Rotarians, Inner Wheel members and guests started arriving and the snacks were relished by all who came.

Rotary President Dr. Elizabeth Cherian Paramesh called the meeting to order and after the short formalities, handed over the proceedings to the outgoing Inner Wheel President Kavita Pishay. 

The Inner Wheel program started with a beautiful short dance performance by our lovely Inner Wheel member Shilpa Rudra. She saluted the panchabhootas, the five elements which is the basis of all cosmic creation! 

The Inner Wheel dignitaries and the chief guest Shoma Bakre were escorted onto the stage at the behest of Outgoing President Kavita Pishay who then welcomed the gathering after calling the meeting to order. She had an immense sense of satisfaction having completed her year with very meaningful projects. She and her team had led the Club very efficiently and successfully in 2018-19.

The Incoming President Tasneem Jiruwala was very animatedly introduced by member Ashwini Surender highlighting her empathy and penchant for service which would make her an ideal leader of a service organization like ours.

The new President Tasneem was installed by outgoing President Kavita Pishay by transferring of the collar and pin and Charter in the presence of Past Association President Shailaja Bhat.

The auspicious lamp was lit to the melodious voice of Rtn Anu Verma singing Kun Fayakun which comes from arabic words “Kun” which means “to be” or “to exist” and “fayakun ” which  means “it is”.So its literal meaning is “Be,and it is”.This term is about God’s will and absolute control over every creation.

Tasneem, literally standing on a pedestal, gave her acceptance speech. She highlighted the fact that she would like to concentrate on service for women and girls and would like to work for people who do not get help from any other organization like transvestites. She also said that she believes in working as a team and will look forward to a lot of support from her team.

She introduced her committee adding positive adjectives to each of them and highlighting their achievements. Each of the Committee members were pinned and installed to their respective posts by Past Association President Shailaja Bhat. The stage looked resplendent with the vibrant women in pink. After the group picture, the new President Tasneem requested Past District Chairman Padmini Nagachandra to introduce  District Chairman Lalana Murthy to the audience. Padmini elaborated on the fact that Lalana had done a degree in science and a post graduate diploma in finance. Her husband and children are a great support to her. The 43rd District Chairman of District 319 Lalana Murthy spoke to the gathering bringing greetings from the International Inner Wheel President Phyllis Charter and Association President Mamta Gupta. She congratulated Kavita and team on the commendable work during 2018-19 and wished Tasneem and team a great year ahead. She appreciated our fellowship activities every month.She stressed on cancer screening and reduced plastic usage. She also stressed on adoption of children and to publicise the Inner Wheel logo.

The new Club Secretary Virina introduced the Chief Guest Shoma Bakre, co founder of EmPower Research. She voluntarily retired to pursue community service. She set up the ‘Let’s Do Some Good Foundation’ and is actively involved with Vidya Mali skill development centres, works in areas of education, Vocational training and employability, women empowerment, health and sanitation. The foundation successfully spearheads multiple projects such as ‘bridging gaps in education’ for out of school slum children: ‘Build a toilet project’. Most of what she is doing is very close to what Inner Wheel does. So her speech was relatable and appreciated by all the people present in the hall. She stressed on the fact that action should be taken when a wrong has to be set right. Empowered people have to recognize the need for their service and help and act on it. Sitting back and not paying attention to the wants of the less privileged is like Nero playing the fiddle when Rome burned.

Lots of projects were executed as Installation Day projects. Many scholarships were given. Education aid was given from the Arjun Menda Trust. Many members generously contributed towards tree planting, education and many other projects.

Rtn. Tilak Kumar contributes every year towards the newsletterJyothi and so he generously did this year too. Rachna Gupta, a very new member, the editor this year brought forward the first inaugural edition of the Club’s bulletin jyothi. It was released by the President of Rotary Club of Bangalore.

President Rtn. Dr. Elizabeth Cherian Parameshhanded over a cheque of 1 lakh from Rotary to Inner Wheelwhich President Tasneem promised would be put to good use.

The dinner served was delicious with mouthwatering samosas and wine. The success of the Installation ceremony was celebrated aptly by all the Inner Wheel members.

The new team of Inner Wheel club of Bangalore has taken over the year 2019-20. Tasneem and team are raring to go with stars in their eyes and dreams in their hearts.

‘Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed and nothing ever changes without a dream!’

Here’s wishing Rotary Club of Bangalore and Inner Wheel Club of Bangalore all the very best for the year 2019-20. Be the change you want to see

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