+91 80 2212 0317 Rotary House of Friendship 20, Lavelle road, Bengaluru

Rtn. Vish Iyer

Director - International Services

Vish joined Rotary Club of Bangalore in 1996 and has been an active Rotarian serving the Club in many areas. He has been Chairman of several committees through the years. While he has been involved in all aspects of the Club, he has been more passionately involved in Vocational Services. He has pioneered the setting up of the Programs Committee in the Club and has implemented a standardized format for planning and execution of the entire years Club level programs.

Vish is a Chartered Accountant and a Company Secretary by qualification. He has a work experience spanning four and half decades. Having started off in financial management roles, he moved to general management roles including managing large profit centers. Vish has experience in a variety of industries with the longest stint in Information Technology industry.

Vish grew up in the city of Calcutta and has lived in Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Singapore and for brief periods in the US. He has travelled extensively across the globe on work and has had business exposure to all continents.

Vish is currently engaged in Advisory activities and mentoring of young entrepreneurs. He also does pro bono work helping NGOs on governance and planning.

Vish is married to Gita Vishwanathan,  a Counselor by training and an active member and current year Secretary of the Inner Wheel Club of Bangalore. They have two children, Preetika who is settled in the US and is a management consultant and Kaushik who works in the Media and Communication industry in Mumbai.

Apart from Rotary, Vish’s passion includes Golf and Travel.