+91 80 2212 0317 Rotary House of Friendship 20, Lavelle road, Bengaluru

Spelling Bee buzzes once more. 31st August 2019

The second edition  of the Spelling Bee was conducted on Saturday, 31 August at the Rotary House of Friendship.  Students from classes 4, 5 and 6 started arriving with their parents and teachers by 7:15 am.  By the time   the quiz started  at 9:05 am, the whole auditorium was abuzz with energy.

70 students from 23 schools participated.  The words were tough enough to put quizzical looks on stalwarts and the participants answered with poise and aplomb in equal measure.

The entire process went well and kudos to  our Sponsor, Sapna Book House for the certificates.  

The thirty students that made it to the final round received gift certificates and the winner, first and second runner up, gift certificates worth Rupees 6,000, 4,000 and 1,500 respectively.

The efforts by Rotarians Jayant Rudra, Mangu Gautam, Gertrude D’Souza and Rotaractors – there are just too many to mention but Joseph Wilson, Srinidhi, Bindu, Suraj and several others pulled off an extraordinary event.  

Shailesh Shah compered the quiz in his inimitable style. Every Rotarian and Rotaractor did the quiz and the club proud.  The icing on the cake was the cheer President and Secretary brought to the event.

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